Have Abortions Become A "Technological Breakthrough" To Steal Body Parts Today Or Are Little Girls Belt Buckles To Men?

Photo Credit By:  @filthyrich2011

Since 1980, a woman's right to chose began before the Department of Motor Vehicle credentialed the bus rider.  Choice and secrets are just that!  Emotions and a Woman's Choice is faced with multiple Civil Rights decisions that subject the right to privacy, dignity, and confidentiality a fundamental solutions that is reinforced by pressures for more quick fixes~like funding Planned Parenthood.  Addressing the problem to choice today using Congress could lead to a repeal issue that shifts the burden onto someone else~"the parent."  Why not start to make serious investments for the next generation of individuals that are primarily ready to perform like a well made car?

Seeing your choices from a traditional stand point of neglect to design policies and oversight to a faced "sexologist" private session matter is to begin to establish what Slavery redesigned when the "Union" was addressed with reputations of the "13-year-old" child in the field working.  The same Social and Environmental factors/practices (just like a car) are led by thought to a business world of active influence.  You can not blame corporate responsibility on a child's "human development" for desires that were inflicted by staff to pursue pro-creations!  Even today's sustainable innovations will not develop distributed production to a "human-being" problem.

When faced with "Choice," one realizes that complying to societal norms to become tomorrow's leader in a "Ivy League" industry is to stay out of trouble.  The picture above leaves thought facing so many companies today that are associated with procreation labels even before the moral problem exist the the sacredness of human life!  Believing damage is done before someone's public image has become a public relation campaign is a cycle to shift the burden on innovative choice.  Lobbying programs in a cycle of "do as little as possible" or "design capacity" or "Low Impact Labeling" or "Externalizing Impacts" is a collective impacts of loops to take responsibility for "your world."

Are girls belt buckles to men?  Are women being sold like cars to de-fund Planned Parenthood?  Has a human life become a technological breakthrough today?  What was I wearing yesterday that identified me today?  Does a child know that there unwanted fetus is a partial abortion?  What is your story?  Stand today and fight for "Little Girls Are Not Belt Buckles To Men!"



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