Mayor Bill de Blasio Proposes 90 New Shelters For New Yorkers Without Challenging Discriminatory Stop & Frisk Policy

                    Weather:  Displaced Sandy Victims And The New York Homeless Population 

New York - The streets of New York are plagued with homeless individuals that force Mayor de Blasio to unveil a new political strategy to create 90 new shelters.  However, the New York City's homelessness crisis is a continued nightmare under what is considered a "blood-and-guts" war strategy. A 128-page plan was issued to address the gaps in homelessness using nonprofit leadership, yet the City's stop and frisk crisis still linger , into what is known as the 60,000 people influx into a discriminatory system of sustained police brutality.  If New York's rich vs. poor "blood-and-guts" war continues to record tourist, the disabled, foster care, and criminal reform into an all time war of the classes to get elite housing, then the spiritual truths to distraction are real !

Police violence today is not just watching a cell phone video, youtube channel, or riot over the death of a loved one, it is recognized first hand by reporters who have become homeless due to discriminatory broken window policing policy violations, metro train violations, unlawful camera surveillances, human resource administration (social service violations), and police violence against the public to ostracize the disabled.  Will this hidden harassment using city employees after hours be revealed using late at night televisions to view the unlawful violations of religion sex, inflictions of mental/emotional anguish, zapper gunning the disabled while sleeping, weaken constitutional languages, and discriminate against the unknown (Native Americans using crimes against Nature occurrences) poor within communities of color?  Informal interviews have revealed that law enforcement (most notably by the NYPD) and federal agencies as the FBI, DHS - Department of Homeless Services, and ICE are all

If Mayor Bill de Blasio proposes 90 New "Stop & Frisk" Policies by introducing new shelters for racial indifferences, then what will happen to the unspoken claims of efficacy within an environment of unrealistic police abuse?  How will challenge the policies of Sex & Gender-Based Violence, Discriminatory Policing, and LGBTQI Persecutions within shelter environments untold?  Politics have gone wrong and unaddressed:

If the NYC Department of Homeless Services Special Officers are New York State peace officers authorized to make warrantless arrest, then a conflict of interest is unspoken when it comes to the issue of criminal court summonses and the power to use physical force by NYC DHS Peace/Police Officers who control the homeless.


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