"A Life Beyond The Bubble" ~ Radical Street Stories of Go Doctorate Go

Today College students are planning their Families based around Personal Finance.  What happened?  #ItsNecessary!  According to Kayo Bracey, dreams and how individuals work together with organizations to sustain a world focused upon the next graduate is a regenerative society today!

We are the only one!

We Value Treasures!

We Embrace Variety To Build Our Communities!

We Are The Global Village!

So how do we stir our thinking and our focus into the situation of today?  Who will think for us if we do not?  Who will think differently?  Who will help us find our way?  In order to attack the problem, a call to action has to be made to address social and environmental problems for short-term relief.  Yes, preserving status quo is a digital divide to drive new technologies, but what about the way of living? What about the ultimate economic system to create a new way of living of organizations and societies?

Time to get Financially Educated!  Time to get Organized inside of your Bubble!  Make a difference in the radical street life story beyond the Bubble of your Society!

What is your Financial Story?


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